Ms. Yellow- Penny & Enzo Mini F1B Euro Goldendoodle Born Dec. 12, 2022

Daisy- (name can be changed)

If interested please read through this entire page and then fill out our Puppy Application!

Birth Info

Next Go-Home Date

Health Info

Ms. Yellow is a perfect middle of the road puppy in terms of dependency, confidence, maturity. She is also active/playful. She is middle of the road dependent, meaning this pup is a great balance of happily being with you or alone. She will enjoy cuddling and playing with you and will also be perfectly content playing or napping on her own. She doesn’t have to be stuck to your side like a Velcro dog. She has a nice average confidence level, meaning that while not fearful of new people and things, she may look to her owner for cues before going to investigate new things. For example, you and your pup are walking down the street and encounter another person walking their dog. A confident pup will be more likely to attempt to greet this new dog without input from their owner. Meanwhile, a pup of average confidence would be comfortable encountering this dog but may look to its owner for confirmation of whether to approach. A middle of the road mature puppy plays well with others and is good at taking social cues from her peers while maintaining a playful, energetic persona. She is playful, meaning that she will love playing with the family, kids, and/or other pets, and she will love to have “puppy sized” adventures! Daisy has been spay and is now ready for her new furever home. The shave portion on her arm was from the IV cathether from her spay procedure. 

Ms. Yellow will probably get around 25-35 lbs. 


Penny is our new amazing female born from our vary own Emma and  Koji. She is an absolute stunning white F1 Euro Goldendoodle. She like all our girls is  PERFECT in every way. Penny’s personality is dependent, middle of the road confidence, mature, and playful/outgoing. She loves people and attention. She is the epitome of our great training program and a great representation of Euro Goldendoodles.


Enzo, (Sire) is one of the world’s best Toy Poodles in the country.  He like all our Studs is almost PERFECT in every way. We are very excited to finally add him into our program. He also has perfect health clearances. Enzo’s personality is extremely confident, dependent, and mature. He absolutely adores people, he is so eager to please. He weighs 7lbs.

Please read through our Puppy Training Institute page to learn exactly what we cover in our training program.

Puppy Pricing and Go-Home Dates

Below you will find details on the pricing for each level of training, and when you can expect to take them home.
The prices below INCLUDES the cost of the puppy.

If interested please read through this entire page and then fill out our Puppy Application.

Doggy Double Doctorate- 13 Months


Go-Home Date:
January 12, 2024

Doggy Double Doctorate- 14 Months


Go-Home Date:
February 12, 2024

Doggy Double Doctorate- 15 Months


Go-Home Date:
March 12, 2024

All The Pictures Below Are Of Ms. Yellow

Current Pics

10 Months Old

9 Months Old

8 Months Old

7 Months Old

6 Months Old

20 Weeks Old

16 Weeks Old

12 Weeks Old

10 Weeks Old

8 Weeks Old

4 Weeks Old

2 Weeks Old


Ms. Yellow has two top quality parents in Penny and Enzo. Click on their pictures for more information.