Mt. Holly, NC
If interested please read through this entire page and then fill out our Puppy Application!
Jaeger personality is dependent, affectionate, and mature. He is dependent meaning he is one of the first to come and last to leave your side. He loves attention and being around people. He wants nothing more than to be curled up in your lap or playing with you. He will go off and explore on occasion, but loves being near his family and people. He is mature because of his emotional intelligence. He is excellent at receiving emotional and social cues! He will apologize if he thinks that he may have played too hard with a sibling or with a person. He has an average energy level meaning that he will love to play and be interactive with the family and other pets but will enjoy a long nap after play time. He has an average energy level meaning that he will love to have some playtime and be interactive with the family and other pets. But he will also take long naps and enjoy quiet time too.
Unfortunately, Jaeger wasn’t able to produce pups for our program due to “shooting blanks” He is only 18 months of age. He has been recently neutered and has fully recovered now.
Jaeger was raised mainly by all females which makes him more confident around them. He is definitely less confident and reserved more around men until he warms up to them. Once he warms up he’s your new best friend.
Jaeger is fully house trained, and has all basic obedience commands.
Jaeger will do well in a loving home environment preferably with other dogs. He is very playful with our other dogs and pups in our program. He is truly an amazing dog and will make someone extremely happy. He is ready to go to his new furever home anytime.
Cost: $5,000
If interested please read through this entire page and then fill out our Puppy Application!
Important Information
Registered Name:
The Paw Pad’s Prince Jaeger
AKC #: PR23077808
Date of Birth: August 14, 2020
Country of Origin: USA
Weight: 55 lbs
Height: 27 inches
Hips: Penn Hip .47
Elbows: OFA – Normal
Eyes: CERF/OFA Cleared
Heart: OFA Normal
Complete Canine Genetic Health Panel: Clear/Normal- Embark
Pedigree And Family
Click here to access the pedigree for Jaeger.
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