1. Take them to their 'potty place' before anything else
One of the most trying things for a new puppy owner is dealing with potty mistakes. In our Puppy Training Institute, we put countless hours into potty training each pup. But this does not mean your new Goldendoodle will come home and automatically know what to do!
So before you take your puppy on a tour of the house, introduce them to all your family members, or have a party in their name; before you do ANYTHING, show your new puppy the preferred location that you wish them to use for going potty.
Chances are, the ride home (whether it be by car or plane) will have them ready to go potty anyways. But when you mix in the excitement of a new place and new people, they shouldn’t have a problem going for the first time. And you absolutely want to make sure they start the right habits immediately!
Your pup will be far more likely to form correct location habits if you do this.